Editor’s duties
The editors of journal Shejzat-Pleaides are responsible for the evaluation, admission or rejection of the essays forwarded to the journal. They are also in charge of the process of peer-reviewing, guaranteeing unbiased and professional evaluation of the essays. Holding a key position, the editors shall avoid conflict of interest. They shall also reject discrimination on political or religious beliefs, on gender or nationality upon evaluating essays and articles received.
The editors shall also inform the author in case of plagiarism, libel or infringement of copyright (also alleged) owned by third parties.
The Editor-in-chief shall constantly supervise the content of the journal in order to prevent any possible criminal offenses.
The Editorial board, on the other hand, follow the policies of the Publisher and is constrained by legal restrictions regarding defamation, plagiarism, libel and copyright infringement.
It is a duty of the editorial board not to disclose or forward any information relating to submitted papers to third parties or unauthorised individuals or organisations.
In case the submitted paper is rejected, postponed or not published, the editors shall not publish or use information contained in it without prior consent of the author.
Duties of Authors
It is unethical to submit a manuscript to more than one journal concurrently.
Manuscripts forwarded to Shejzat-Pleiades must be the fruit of the original work of the author/authors.
Only unpublished manuscripts should be forwarded to the editorial staff for publication.
Possible conflicts of interest must be stated clearly.
Sources providing information for the manuscript must also be clearly shown in the manuscript.
Possible errors in the text after the submission should be vehemently communicated to the Editor.
Peer review
Articles, essays and studies submitted for publication are forwarded to reviewers specialised in the pertaining domain while the author remains anonym. After meticulous reading (three different competent specialists), the reviewers give feedback to the chief-editor. The reply can be in favour of the submitted work; it can be negative, in which case the article is rejected; it can also be in favour of publication after further improvements to the content and/or cohesion. In the latter case, the peer review provides suggestions for the author. Maximum time for the evaluation and feedback to the author is six months, starting from the date when the writing was submitted to the journal. Manuscripts are not returned to authors.
Duties of Reviewers
The reviewers shall ensure that:
All manuscripts are reviewed fairly in tune with the policies of the journal, with intellectual content of the paper, regardless of gender, race, religions, ethnicity, citizenry or political views.
Any type of possible conflict of interest emerging in the review process must be swiftly communicated to the Editor.
All the information contained in the manuscript must remain confidential.
Any data providing grounds for the rejection of the manuscript must be communicated to the Editor.
Contrasting plagiarism
Journal Shejzat- Pleades does not accept, encourages or supports plagiarism of any kind in its issues, either paper or electronic editions. In the event of suspected or detected plagiarism, after meticulous analysis of allegations, the publisher and especially the editorial board enjoy the right to reject publication. However, the author is given a detailed report describing the reasons for such rejection concerning ideas, concepts, theories, quotations, and discoveries expressed by previous authors and unjustly appropriated and/or manipulated.
In case when plagiarism is detected after the publication of the study, the editorial board and the editor-in-chief promptly publish corrections, clarifications and/or apologies in the following issue of the paper edition, whereas on the website such action appears immediately.
Ownership & Management
Journal Shejzat-Pleiades is property and owned by the Centre for Albanological Studies. Address: Rruga Murat Toptani, 1001, Tirana, Albania; Responsible director: Mr Arjan Stajka.
Editorial Board
The editorial board is entrusted with the governing policies of our journal. Its members come from renown universities as can be evinced by the information provided below:
Prof. Francesco Altimari, Università di Cosenza, Italy: https://www.unical.it/storage/teachers
Prof. Giuseppina Turano, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy: https://www.unive.it/data/persone/5591335
Prof. José M. Floristán, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain: https://www.ucm.es/directorio?id=7374
Prof. Gezim Gurga, Università di Palermo, Italy: https://www.unipa.it/persone/docenti/g/gezim.gurga/?pagina=curriculum
Prof. Antal Molnár, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History, Budapest, Hungary: https://tti.academia.edu/Moln%C3%A1rAntal/CurriculumVitae
Prof. Titos Jochalas, Academy of Athens, Greece: http://www.academyofathens.gr/en/gioxalas_e
Prof. Matteo Mandalà, Università di Palermo, Italy, https://www.unipa.it/persone/docenti/m/matteo.mandala/en/?pagina=curriculum
Prof. Ardian Ndreca, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome, Italy; http://akad.gov.al/ash/pdf/kandidatet/Ardian%20Ndreca/Ardian%20Ndreca-CV%20(1).pdf
Honorary board
Prof. Walter Breu, Universität Costanz, Germany.
Prof. Victor A. Friedman, University of Chicago, USA.
Prof. Rexhep Ismajli, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Kosoviensis, Kosova.
Prof. Titos Jochalas, Academy of Athens, Greece.
Prof. Leonardo Savoia, Università di Firenze, Italy.
Editorial team
Our team consist of the following members: Persida Asllani, Raim Beluli, Gëzim Gurga, Eugjen Merlika, Arben Ndreca. Email: shejzat@gmail.com
Copyright & Intellectual property
Journal Shejzat is the holder of the copyright on the contributions appearing on its pages. By adhering to such policy, the journal safeguards authorship and guarantees against copyright infringement, while on the other hand, the appropriate use of papers by third parties is facilitated. The journal recognises the right of authors to also reuse, add information or update their paper.
Intellectual property of all papers published by Shejzat belongs to authors. In their turn, authors should previously inform the journal when intended to republish their articles in other journals, volumes, websites, etc. Once informed the journal, the author is granted permission to republish the paper. It is mandatory though for authors to mention the first publication of their paper on Shejzat along with the references.
The official website of Shejzat-Pleiades, series nova is: www.shejzat.com
No other websites/blogs etc. do represent our academic journal.
The name of our journal is and remains Shejzat-Pleaides. In the English version on our website, the name remains unchanged.
Author fees
In no case journal Shejzat-Pleiades requires authors to pay fees in order to have their work published. Any such requirement is to be considered illegal and the editorial board must be promptly informed. However, postage for articles sent to the journal is paid by the sender.
Authors do not receive payments or royalties for their papers.
Publishing schedule
Journal Shejzat-Pleiades is published twice a year. Each volume contains two issues respectively covering January-June and July-December periods. Possible proceedings from meetings, activities and conferences are included in such volumes.
Journal Shejzat-Pleiades is available in paper edition and electronic version. For subscriptions for one year (four issues) the cost is 45 euros (Europe); 65 USD (for the USA and elsewhere). Individual papers can also be downloaded and paid for online (2,5 euros each). For more details, please click on “Subscriptions”.
In the event the journal is no longer available for purchase (either paper or electronic versions), articles will still be accessible and available for download. Our journal has opted for CLOCKSS as repository of archive.
Revenues and funding
Primary sources of revenues of the journal are subscriptions of readers; donations from individuals as well as supporters of our journal. CREDINS BANK covers expenses of printing. Our journal also relies on volunteer assistance.
Advertising policy
Shejzat-Pleiades does not publish advertisements or make any publicity.